To celebrate it’s centennial, the Rural Municipality of St. Andrews published a history book entitled Beyond the Gates of Lower Fort Garry, 1881-1980, and, twenty years later, published Beyond the Gates of Lower Fort Garry: A Sequel. These books were truly a labour of love and a community effort of dozens of volunteers. They feature stories of St. Andrews: of families, churches, schools, organizations, politics and more.
There are no copies available to purchase of the original anymore, though the sequel is available as a hard copy at the St. Andrew’s Rectory and Heritage Centre. We have made them both available to download in small pieces (as PDFs).
* Note: If you are viewing the PDF in your browser, the quality of photos may be poor. Download the PDF for better photo quality.
Beyond the Gates of Lower Fort Garry: 1881-1980
[tabby title=”Pages 1-97″]
Click link to download PDF | Page Contents |
Page 1-7 (10 MB) | Table of Contents
Dedication by Gordon A. Noquay
Message from Peter Ducheck
Rural Municipality of St. Andrews- 1880-1908 |
Page 8-22 (12.5 MB) | Rural Municipality of St. Andrews- 1908-1978
List of past R.M. of St. Andrews reeves and councillors
R.M. of St. Andrews Centennial activities
St. Andrews Fire Department |
Page 23-37 (15.3 MB) | St. Andrews Fire Department (continued)
Gunn Family and the Municipality of St. Andrews
Road Building photos
Reeves and Councillors photos
- The Beef Ring
- "Grasshoppers Galore"
- Haymaking
- Hood's Nurseries
- Nineteen Hundred and Seventy A.D.- poem by Anne Carter
- Parkdale Farms Limited
Page 38-52 (17.5 MB) | Agriculture (continued)
- What is a Farmer?
- Agriculture pictures
- All Saints Anglican Church
- Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church
- St. Mary's Jubilee Catholic Church
- Cloverdale United Church
- Dunara United Church
- Clandeboye United Church
Page 53-67 (16.2 MB) | Churches
- Jehovah's Witnesses at Winnipeg Beach
- Little Britain United Church
- Church of the Latter Day Saints
- Mustard Seed Chapel
- Neighbourhood Sunday School
- Our Lady of the Lake Church
- Sacred Heart Chapel
- St. Andrews On-the-Red Anglican Church
- St. Bartholomew's Anglican Church
- St. Clement's Church Mapleton
- St. George's Anglican Church
- St. Margaret's Catholic Church
- St. George's Wakefield Anglican Church
- St. Matthew's Cloverdale Anglican Church
- St. Peter's Anglican Stone Church
- Church of St. Thomas
- Winnipeg Beach United Church
- Holy Rosary Catholic Church
Page 68-82 (18.7 MB) | Schools
- Armistice S.D. No. 2043
- Clandeboye S.D. No. 47
- Cloverdale School
- Miss Davis' School, St. Andrews
- Dunara School No. 1203
- Earl Grey School
- Fillmore S.D. No. 2170
- Hartley School No. 878 (Gunville)
- Lockport School
- Mapleton School No. 5
- Margaret Hayworth School
- Meadowdale School
- Melnice School
- Netley Lake School No. 775
Page 83-97 (15.6 MB) | Schools
- Norwood S.D. No. 642
- Parks Creek School
- Peguis S.D. No. 1426
- Petersfield School No. 533
- Prout S.D. No. 1821
- Rossdale School
- St. Andrews Consolidated School District No. 2
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Page 98-112 (17.6 MB) | Schools
- St. Andrews Consolidated School District No. 2 (continued)
- St. John's Cathedral Boys' School
- Sunrise School
- Whytewold Beach S.D. No. 1386
- Children's Fashion photos
- Ladies Fashions photos
- Costumes photos
- Leisure Clothing
Clubs and Organizations
- Clandeboye Community Hall
Page 113-127 (19.2 MB) | Clubs and Organizations
- Cloverdale Hall
- Dun-hart Wood Hall
- Scouting Activities in Mapleton District
- Clubs and Organizations photos
- 4-H in St. Andrews
Page 128-142 (15.9 MB) | Clubs and Organizations
- 4-H in St. Andrews (continued)
- Hartley Beef Calf Club
- Mapleton 4-H Home Economics Club
- Red River Squatters 4-H Club
Military Service and Memorials
- One of the boys- poem by Allan McRae
- Our Roll of Honour
Page 143-157 (13.2 MB) | Military Service and Memorials
- Our Roll of Honour (continued)
- Photos
- Lament-poem by Wilfrid Gibson
Page 158-172 (14.3 MB) | Communities
- Village of Clandeboye (continued)
- Little Britain
- Lockport
- Lower Fort Garry National Historical Park
- Petersfield
- River Road Residents of St. Andrews as of 1900
Page 173-187 (16.3 MB) | Buildings
- Halfway House in Parkdale
- Hawthorne Lodge
- Kingsberry House
- Photos
- Transportation of the Red River to Hudson's Bay
- The Old Gimli Road
- To Winnipeg Beach by Car
- First Woman Bus Driver
- Netley Air Base
Page 188-202 (17.8 MB) | Transportation
- Netley Air Base (continued)
- St. Andrews Airport
- Photos
Family Histories
- Aime, David
- Anderson, James
- Andrusko
- Armstrong, John
- Brimacombe, John and Martha
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Page 203-217 (16.2 MB) | Family Histories
- Brimacombe
- Bracken, Wayne
- Bracken, Ernest Manford
- Bowser
- Boss
- Boehmer, Theodore
- Boehmer, Albert and Doretta
- Biy, Stephen
- Biy, Peter and Mary
- Birston
- Birston, Martha Elizabeth (Landin)
- Birston, Alexander Magnus
Page 218-232 (16.4 MB) | Family Histories
- Birston (continued)
- Bird
- Bilan
- Bilinski, Stan and Frieda
- Begg
- Bear, Gertrude
- Poloski, Annie (nee Bannish)
- Poloski, Andrew and Florence
- Bailey, Albert and Elizabeth
- Calder, Albert
- Campbell
- Camplin
- Campion, Alfred John and Sarah (Sadie) Ann
- Carter, Edwin Thomas
- Carter, Eli
- Carter, George
- Carter, James Stanley
- Carter, Robert
- Chamberlain
Page 233-247 (16.4 MB) | Family Histories
- Chamberlain (continued)
- Chanin
- Chastellaine
- Chesley
- Cheslock
- Chiborak, Alex
- Chiborak, Fred
- Chrisp, Tom and Audrey
- Clemons, Amy
- Clemons-Sinclair
- Clarke
- Clifton, Richard
- Pahl, William
- Clouston, Joseph James and Matilda
Page 248-262 (17.5 MB) | Family Histories
- Clouston
- Copeland
- Corke
- Corrie, Alex and Gladys
- Corrigal
- Cottingham
- Couture
- Crookshanks
- Croasdell
- Curiston, Willia Thomas
- Dalgarno
- Davis, Richmond "Jake" and Mabel
- Donald, George
- Dear
- Dewar
- Dickenson
Page 263-277 (15.7 MB) | Family Histories
- Dixon
- Donohoe, John Joseph and Racy Mary
- Douglas, William
- Dreger
- Dunning
- Ducheck, Philip and Anna (nee Chizick)
- Dutka, Joe Duthie
- Early Families in Cloverdale
- Einarson
- Edgecombe, Robert
- Favell, Humphrey Sr.
- Favell, Humphrey Jr.
- Favell, John
- Favell, Thomas and Anna Bella Sinclair
- Favell, Thomas
- Feledechuk, Nick and Betty
- Fey
- Fidler, William Jr.
- Fillmore, Elwyn and Betty
- Macklin, Laurence and Jane
- Fisher, Harry
Page 278-292 (16.3 MB) | Family Histories
- Fisher
- Flett, James
- Flett, Stanley and Margaret
- Foord, Frederick James
- Forrest
- Forster
- Fosters, McNabbs, MacGarvas, Hunts, and Fields
- Foster, James Edward
- Franks, William and Martha
- Fryza
- Gagnon, J. C.
- Gessner, Jacob and son Charles
- Gessner, John
Page 293-307 (16.3 MB) | Family Histories
- Gessner
- Goldstone
- Goltz, Julius and Lydia
- Gowriluk
- Greyeyes
- Grieve, Donald
- Grieve, Jim
- Grove
- Gunn, Sandy
- Gusnowsky
- Gusnowsky, Stephen
- Gusnufski
- Haberman
- Hacking
- Hanson
- Hardman, Thomas and Mary Agnes (Joyce)
[tabby title=”Pages 308-397″]
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Page 308-322 (17.4 MB) | Family Histories
- Joyce, Joseph Walter and Julia (Reddington)
- Scarry, William Francis
- Hawrysh, Alex
- Hawrysh
- Henry
- Hermanson, Harry
- Houndle, C. E.
- Howard
- Howelko, Fred and Johanna
- Huminicki, Harry
- Hunnie
- Hutton, Ken and Barbara
- Janisch, Joseph
- Jardine
Page 323-337 (17.8 MB) | Family Histories
- Jardine (continued)
- Jefferson
- Johnson, J. L.
- Johnson, William and Annie
- Johnson
- Johnstone
- Johnstone, Christopher
- Kamer, Joe
- Kartzmark, Martin and Mary
- Keating, Wallace
- Kelly
- King, William
- Koch-Schulte, Josef
- Kormylo, Dmytro
Page 338-352 (16.9 MB) | Family Histories
- Kreviazuk
- Krupa, Georgina Johnson
- Land
- Larter
- Larter, Free
- Leask, Dick
- Leask, James Colin
- Leask, John
- Leask, William
- Lemoine
- Lerner, Abe
- Linklater
- Linklater, John
- Linklater, William
- Linklater, George, James, and Margaret
- Linklater, Orton
- Lipinski, Martin and Mary
- Liss, Nathan and Laka
Page 353-367 (16.4 MB) | Family Histories
- Liss (continued)
- Lowe, Ronald T.
- Longbottom
- Luchka, John and Anne
- Luke, John M.
- Lyall
- Mabee
- Macdougall, John
- Macfarlane, Donald
- Maciura, Joseph and Helen
- Mackay
- Mackay, John and Donna
- Mackay, Pauline
- MacLennan
- Marshall, Orville and Edith
- Masters
- McAulay, Alexander
- McAulay, Fred and Edith
- McBain, Alexander and Sarah
- McConnell, Thomas Henry
Page 368-382 (16.6 MB) | Family Histories
- McConnell, Thomas Henry (continued)
- McConnell, Whitney George
- McDonald, Alex and Isabel
- McDonald, Archie and Minnie
- McDonald, Julia and Clarence
- McDonald, Donald
- McDonald, Duncan
- McDonald, Joseph
- MacDonalds and McKays
- McDonalds of Donald Road
- McGougan, Tom
- McDonald and McKay
- McIvor
- McKenzie
- McKenzie, Robert
- McKay, Charles Albert
Page 383-397 (16.2 MB) | Family Histories
- McKaughan, George
- McKaughan, Ken
- McLeod
- McPherson, Hugh Andrew
- McPherson, Hugh Gordon
- McPherson
- McRae, Angus and Annie
- McRae, Hunter
- McRae, Neil McKay
- McRae, William and Mary
- Michael
- Mitchell, Arthur and Mabelle
- Moar, Alexander and Lillian
- Moffatt, Thomas James and Alexander
- Mowat
- Muckle
[tabby title=”Pages 398-502″]
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Page 398-412 (16.7 MB) | Family Histories
- Mullan
- Mullenchuk, Steve
- Murdoch, Frank
- Norquay, Thomas
- Olexawitch, Mike and Alma
- O'Donnell
- Oakes
- Pahko
- Palan
- Palmer, John
- Patterson, Robert George
- Patton, George and Margaret
- Partridge, Edmund
- Pawley, Howard and Adele
- Peel
- Penner
Page 413-427 (17.5 MB) | Family Histories
- Philips, William
- Philpott, Francis William
- Philpott, Frederick George
- Pilatyk
- Pioneering in St. Andrews
- Pritchard, Clarence
- Pruden
- Pruden, John Peter
- Pruden, John Peter
- Palmer, Rose
Page 428-442 (15.8 MB) | Family Histories
- Quelch
- Regehr, Bill and Florence
- Rogowski
- Sage, Herbert
- Sandercock
- Sandison, Wayne and Verna
- Sargent, Fred and Ida
- Sargent, Walter and Phyllis
- Schalk, Karl Richard
- Schilling
- Schindler
- Schindler, Tom
- Schneider, Kenneth
- Schoen
- Schofield, Samuel
- Schreyer, George and Lil
Page 443-457 (16.4 MB) | Family Histories
- Schreyer, George and Lil (continued)
- Setter
- Sherlock
- Simpson, Alfred and Fanny Elizabeth (nee Skipworth)
- Simpson, J.
- Sinclair
- Sinclair, T. F., and Craig, John B.
- Skwarek, John and Annie (Smigelski)
- Small, David and Alma
- Smith, Colin
- Smith, John
- Smith, Margaret
- Snyder, George
- Srutwa, Steve and Nettie
- Stephen
- Stevenson
- Still
- Stolar
- Streich
Page 458-472 (15.8 MB) | Family Histories
- Sutherlandshire
- Sutherland, Edwin George
- Sutherland, George Thomas
- Sutherland, John R.
- Sutherland, Walter Colin Young
- Sutherland, W. C.
- Sutherland, William Reginald
- Swirski
- Swystun, George
- Tallin
- Tanner, Frederick John and Elizabeth Ellen
- Taylor
- Taylor, John
- The Taylor Saga
- Taylor, Jean and William Lincoln
- Thomas, Lorne Arthur
- Thompson, William
- Three Men of St. Andrews:
- Captain William Kennedy, Alexander Kennedy Ibister, and Premier John Norquay
Page 473-487 (15.9 MB) | Family Histories
- Three Men of St. Andrews (continued)
- Thurston
- Tribute to a Great Lady: Aurelia Stevenson
- Truthwaite
- Turkewich, Joseph
- Vosper, Harry Fred and Elizabeth
- Warner, Charles and Christina
- Wawryk, Michael
- Wild, Gerard S.
- Wiess, Fred and Aline
- Willis, Gavin Arthur
- Zaborosky
- Zelyck
Page 488-502 (19.1 MB) | Family Histories
People, General
- Photos
- Curriculum Vitae of Mary Elizabeth Bayer
- Anecdotes
- The Call of the Wild
- The Mason and the Deacon
- Excerpts from "Buttertown Paradise"
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Page 503-517 (16.3 MB) | Recollections
- Excerpts from "Buttertown Paradise" (continued)
- Eatons Service on No. 8 Highway in 1930s
- The Fabulous Netley Marsh
- Fairfield Woollen Mill
- Flooding of the Red River
- The Flood of 1966
- The Luchka Family
Page 518-532 (16.5 MB) | Recollections
- The Luchka Family (continued)
- My Memories- Helen H. May, 1951
- Mary Elizabeth Bayer's Recollections
- Recollections of a Pioneer
- Roots and Herbs
- The Scotts and the Red River Settlement
Page 533-544 (11.7 MB) | Recollections
- The Scotts and the Red River Settlement (continued)
- The Settlers' Homes
- From Wavey Creek Road
- A Year's Work at Netley Fur Block in early 1950s
- Map of Public Shooting Grounds south of Lake Winnipeg
- Poem- "Today" by Mary Elizabeth Bayer
- Cloverdale Stories of the Past
Index |
Beyond the Gates of Lower Fort Garry: A Sequel

In the year 2000, Beyond the Gates of Lower Fort Garry: A Sequel was published to celebrate the new millennium. This book includes the stories of families, schools, churches, and organizations from St. Andrews and tells the stories of newer “settlers” that were not included in the previous book.
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Page 92-106 (17.3 MB) | Communities
- Clandeboye (continued)
- Clandeboye Reunion photos
- Clandeboye Women
- Clandeboye Quilters
- 4-H Open House Exchange
- Hockey Teams
- Dunara
- Interlake Co-op Nursery Inc.
- Lockport
- Birth of the Lockport Cowboys
Page 107-121 (17.5 MB) | Communities
- Lockport (continued)
- Lockport Cowboys
- Happy Trails Riders
- Lower Fort Garry National Historic Site
- Motor Country Club
- Red River Riders
- St. Andrews Kennel and Obedience Club
- Matlock
- Matlock Recreational Club
- Highlights of Activities of the Past
- Winnipeg Free Press articles
- Netley
Page 122-136 (15.8 MB) | Communities
- Netley (continued)
- Oak Hammock
- Parkdale
- Workers Benevolent Society
- Bethania Home for Aged and Infirm
- Petersfield
Page 137-151 (17.8 MB) | Communities
- Peterfield (continued)
- Petersfield Community Club
- Petersfield Curling Club
- Petersfield Mallard Duck
- Netley Creek Golf Course
- Rossdale
- Rossdale Ukrainian Dance School
- St. Andrews
- Canada's Centennial
- Scouts Canada- 1st St. Andrews on the Red
- Captain Kennedy Tea House and Museum
- Great West Van Conversions Inc.
- Larters Golf and Country Club
Page 152-166 (14.1 MB) | Communities
- St. Andrews (continued)
- Lower Fort Garry Garden Centre Inc.
- Elizabeth's Florist and Gift
- Right of Way- River Road
- River Lots and Early Settlers
- St. Andrew's Parish
- Schools
- A Brief History of the Lord Selkirk School Division No. 11
- Ecole Bonaventure
- Lockport School
- Lord Selkirk Regional Comprehensive Secondary School
- Mapleton School
- St. Andrews School
Page 167-181 (16.6 MB) | Schools
- St. Andrews School (continued)
- William S. Patterson School
Page 182-196 (14.6 MB) | Schools
- William S. Patterson School (continued)
[tabby title=”Pages 197-301″]
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Page 197-211 (17.4 MB) | Schools
- William S. Patterson School (continued)
- Winnipeg Beach School
- Clandeboye Indian School
- Cloverdale School
- Mapleton School
- photos
- Meadowdale School
- Miss Davis School
- Parkdale School
Page 212-226 (15.6 MB) | Schools
- Petersfield School
- St. Andrews School photos
- Whytewold School
- Statement of Taxes for Rossdale School
- IRHA Establishment of Regional Health Authorities within Manitoba
- Selkirk Mental Health Care
- Selkirk Healing Centre
- Fashion In The Last Twenty Years, 1980-2000
- Grandma's Apron
- Fashion Flashback photos
Page 227-241 (17.8 MB) | Transportation
- Motor Driven Transport
- Anson Northup- First Steamer on the Red River
- Winnipeg, Selkirk and Lake Winnipeg Railway
- York Boat
Family Histories
- Aime, David and Gladys
- Aime, Harry Hampton and Family
- Aime, Robert Charles
- Andrusko, Dmytro and Katherine
- Anniuk, Nick and Victoria
- Anton, Mike and Ina
- Anton
- Armstrong, John and Grace
- Arthur, Wayne and Bev (Morton)
- Baker, Edward and Victoria
Page 242-256 (18.6 MB) | Family Histories
- Baker (continued)
- Bakker
- Barnes, Lois and Sid
- Beaton, George
- Beddome, Dr. Henry
- Bell, Thelma and Olafur
- Bilan
- Bloodworth, Ken and Marilyn
- Boch, Walter and Mary
- Boehmer
- Bolton
- Bostrom, Damon and Natasha
- Bracken, Alvin and Mabel
- Brown, Calvin and Jane
- Bruce, James Robert (Jack) and Emily
- Brydges, David and Eliza
- Carter, Edwin, and Jean
- Carter, Glen and Nancy
- Chamberlain, Arthur
- Charlo, Tom and Gail
- Chrisp, Tom and Audrey
- Citulski, Wasyl and Maria
Page 257-271 (18.7 MB) | Family Histories
- Citulski (continued)
- Clare, Arthur Cummings
- Clark, William and Mary
- Cotton, Stuart and Marie
- Cousineau, Gilbert and Audrey
- Couture
- Curiston, William and Isabel
- Dawson, Arthur and Irene
- Dear, Sid and Mary
- Dolenuk, Andrew and Maryanne
- Doty
- Dunlop, A. R. (Sonny) and Joan
- Einarson
- Ellison, Merle and Alice
- Erhart, Ron and Betty
- Eyolfson, Steven and Sandra
- Fedoruk
- Fey, Allen and Louise
Page 272-286 (18.8 MB) | Family Histories
- Fey (continued)
- Fingler, Bill and Lena
- Flett, Jeffrey and Marilyn
- Foster, Edward
- Foster, Garth and Irene
- Frank, Brenda
- Frederick, Phil and Jean
- Freeman
- Fryza, Charles and Mae
- Gamache, Phillip (Zeke) and Verna
- Ganske
- Gavel, Arnold and Helen
- Gawne, John William and Lily
- Gessner, Bill and Barbara
- Gessner, Carl (Charlie)
- Geurts, Albert and Mary
- Gibson, Arthur and Eva
- Goltz, Julius and Lydia
- Grieve, Bertie and Christina
Page 287-301 (18.5 MB) | Family Histories
- Grieve (continued)
- Grochowich, John and Sophie
- Gulenchyn, Bernie and Susan (nee Melnichuk)
- Haddad, Reg and Muriel
- Hall, Harold and Nelly
- Harbour, Harry and Lorraine
- Harder, Nick and Katie
- Harriott
- Harris, Brian
- Houndle, Jim
- Hrechuk
- Huminicki, Nicholas and Olga
- Hummerston, Les and Jean
- Hunnie, Harold and Bonnie Anne
- Hunt, Dick and Betty
- Hutton, Ken and Barb
- Hygaard, Matthew
- Isbach, Rudi and Lenore
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Page 302-316 (18.7 MB) | Family Histories
- Isbach (continued)
- Jackson, Larry and Wendy
- James, Mike and Margo
- Janssen, Joseph and Mary
- Johnson, Marvin and Annette
- Johnston, Stanley and Mildred
- Kamer
- Kamstra
- Kaniuga, Debbie and Randy Benstead
- Karlsen, Ed and Doreen
- Kelly, Emil
- Kelner, Alfred and Nellie
- Kirkness, Stanley and Dorothy
- Kiziuk, Gordon and Barbara
Page 317-331 (18.3 MB) | Family Histories
- Kiziuk (continued)
- Kocay, Peter and Shirley
- Koch-Schulte, Fred and Brenda
- Koniski, Randy and Barbara
- Kotowich, Ron and Roberta
- Kozun, Bill and Fran
- Krasnesky
- Kreamer
- Kulmatycki, Bill and Anne
- Larter, Free and Linda
- Lavallee, Warren and Karen
- Lemoine
- Linklater, Kenny and Noreen
- Loutit, James and Catherine
- Loutit, Phyllis and Stanley
- Loutit, Robert Brian
- Loutit, Theresa Gail
- Lyons, William and Alice
- McAulay, John and Mary
- McAulay, Murray and Evelyn
Page 332-346 (19 MB) | Family Histories
- McDonald, Cecil and Eva
- McDonald, Joseph
- McDonald, Roy and Ilo
- McIvor
- McKenzie, George Sr.
- McKenzie, Kenneth
- McKenzie, Robert and Annie
- McKenzie, Sharon Jean
- McNabb, Geoffrey and Mary
- McNabb, Rose Florence
- McNabb, Roy and Sigga
- McNabb, Victor and Alice
- McRae
- MacFarlane, Donald Murray
- MacLennan, Murdoch
- Makowski-Kaszuba
- Malegus, Nick and Sophie
Page 347-361 (18.5 MB) | Family Histories
- Malegus (continued)
- Massey
- Matheson
- Matthews, Glenn and Rosetta
- Mattson, Mark and Joan
- Merenchuk, John
- Miles, Michael and Irene
- Moar
- Morrison
- Muckle, Captain Robert and Elizabeth
- Murdoch, Jack and Genevieve
- Naayer, John and Maria
- Norquay, John
- Nutbean, Robert G. and Herta
- Palan, William and Ellen
- Paradoski, Albert and Antonia
Page 362-376 (18.9 MB) | Family Histories
- Paradoski, Esther Antonia
- Paradoski, Marjorie Laurel (nee Loutit)
- Paradoski, Tony
- Paradoski, Walter and Laura
- Pearson, Esther and Gordon
- Petersen, Alfred and Kirstine
- Phelan, John and Sara
- Philpott, George and Viola
- Poloski
- Praznik
- Preachuk, Joe
- Preun Bentler
- Pritchard, Clarence and Grace
- Proctor, Ken and Myrna
- Pruden, John Peter the First
- Pruden, Stewart and Violet
- Pruden, Thomas Alexander
Page 377-391 (18.7 MB) | Family Histories
- Pruden (continued)
- Psooy, Joseph and Pat
- Redfern, Gerry and Irene
- Reykdal, Pjetur and Helga
- Robertson, Ralph and Edna
- Robinson, Leonard and Eva
- Rogalsky, Abe and Kay
- Russin, Fred and Dokija
- Russin, Peter and Stella
- Russin, Fred and Geraldine
- Sandison, Wayne and Verna
- Sarginson, Rob and Laurel
- Schalk, Karl and Ada
- Scherle
- Schofield, Albert and Agnes (Myla)
- Schofield, Walter and Mimi
- Schreyer, George and Lil
- Schreyer, Leonard and Elsie
- Scraba
- Semaniuk, John and Annie
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Page 392-406 (18.9 MB) | Family Histories
- Senavich
- Setter
- Hawley, Anne Inkster (nee Setter)
- Setter, John Richard
- Sutherland, Agnes Margaret
- Setter, Ernest
- Setter, James Ernest
- Shachtay, John and Alice
- Sharman, Rev. Stephen
- Shelemy
- Skaritko, Ron and Betty Ann
- Skazyk, Alex and Lena
- Skazyk, Peter and Frances
- Skibitzky, Stephen and Mary
- Skromeda, Fred and Mary
- Skrypnyk, Thomas and Irene
- Skrypnyk, Walter and Helen
- Smale, James and Phyllis
- Smigelski, Paul and Stella
Page 407-421 (19 MB) | Family Histories
- Smigelski (continued)
- Smith, George
- Smith, James
- Smith, Hilliard Harrison
- Smith, William Robert
- Snider
- Stagg, Robert and Patricia
- Stefaniw
- Stefanuk
- Stolar, John and Ella
- Storozuk, Paul and Julia
- Streich, Dale
- Streich, Herb and Audrey
- Surzyshyn, Fred and Getta
Page 422-436 (19 MB) | Family Histories
- Sutherland, Colin and Rosabel
- Sutherland, Donna
- Sutherland Family Tree
- Sutherland, Ed and Fran
- Sutherland, Ron and Brenda
- Swirski, Tom and Maria
- Sylvester, William Blake and Patricia
- Tepper, Rudy
- Terry
- Thomas, Charles (Chuck) and Wendy
- Thomas, Lorne and Joanne
- Thomas, Verne
- Thurston
- Tocholke, Ronald (Randle) Roy
- Tomyk, Ken and Donna
- Townsend
- Trippier, Edward and Ellen
Page 437-451 (18.8 MB) | Family Histories
- Trippier (continued)
- Turton, Ralph and Elizabeth
- Tutlies/Kitchen
- Vickers, Jim and Hildegard
- Walker
- Walters
- Whall, Dennis and Holly
- Whitelam (Ingimundson)
- Ingimundarson, Maeola
- Wilkinson, Bill and Pat
- Wilkinson, Murray and Joan
- Willis
- Woloshyn, William and Lena
- Wright, Grant and Alice
- Yusishen/Bastiaanssen
- Zevena, Joe and May
Page 452-467 (17.5 MB) | Family Histories
Celebrations: 2000
- Clandeboye Community Club 3 Day Millenium Celebration
- Little Britain Community Celebrates the Millenium
- Lower Fort Garry Welcomes 2000
- Matlock Recreation Club Celebrates 2000
- Netley Community Celebrates 2000
- Petersfield Community Celebrates 2000
Subject Index
General Index |