John Halvar Bolin
John Halvar Bolin
John Halvar Bolin
MacKenzie and Mann
Map of Hudson Bay Rail Line
Mr. Larson
Mrs. Larson by
CPR Water tank.
Railways Builders.
Riding the Rails with Andy, Bazan and George Mackelson.
Sandford Fleming
Sir Henry Worth Thornton (1871-1933)
Survey Crew
The “countess of Dufferin” arrives in llinnipeg. The first railway engine in western Canada
The Battle of the Routes … Each of the routes sketched below was considered for the Canadian Pacific Railway.
The Countess of Dufferin
The famous Canadian Pacific Railway Locomotive No. I Countess of Dufferin
Train and Cars collision at Libau Station in 1927.
Train Engine
Ukrainian Workers
Union Station Interior
Union Station Winnipeg
Van Horne Farm, East Selkirk