Dieclo B and senior staff of Searle Grain Co. visiting the farm in 1943 A group of visitors at the Grain Elevator
L: Dieclo B and senior staff of Searle Grain Co. visiting the farm in 1943
R: A group of visitors at the Grain Elevator
L: Dieclo B and senior staff of Searle Grain Co. visiting the farm in 1943
R: A group of visitors at the Grain Elevator
Directory and Superintendents of Searle Grain Co. al Searle Farm, 1943.
Manager’s residence
Rock Garden at the Searle Grain Co. Elevator adjacent to Searle farm.
Searle Farms.
The “Whitehouse” manager’s house and boiler.
Mary Malyna and Tomiko Shirakawa.
L: John Donaldchuk (L) and Gordie Donald (R).
R: Bill Donaldson grading roads on Searle farms.
5 Horse Team for gang plows
L: (left to right) “Pat” King, Bill Donaldson, Tom Walanchuk and Georges Kolinski, 1930.
R: (left to right) Walter Gordon Mrs. Walter Gordon and Bill Donaldchuk, 1932.
Chauncey Medal and entry to the Selkirk Fair, 1932
“Pat King” Dairy-man, 1929.
Len King and the milking machines, 1928.
Mr. A.H.O Colbert, well know to all how have ever visited Wpg. and Searle Farms, “Ab” Colvert retired as Farm Manager–a Posistion the has held for twenty years.
Right Angles Farms.