submitted by slh
ln addition to the following it should be mentioned that the Stony Point S.D. No. 2077 was formed by bylaw No. 205 of the Munc. of St. Clements dated June 7, 1921.
The lands of the district (boundary) consisted of: Sec. 3, 4,5,6,9, and 10 in tp. 17-7E, Sec.2’7,28,29,30,31,32, 33, 34, intp. l6-7E, Sec. 24, 25, and,26, as well as, 36, in tp. l6-6E, together with Lot 4 of the Brokenhead Indian Reserve.
The boundary was readjusted again on May 5, 1925 by bylaw No. 275 of the Munc. of St. Clements adding Sec. 26 and 35 in tp. l6-7E. This addition was in effect on
May 5, 1925.
Further adjustments were made effective Jan. 19, 1927 by detaching Sec. 3, the NEI /4 of 4, and the El /2 of 9 in tp. 17-7E, in the Stony Point S.D. and transferring it to Beaconia S.D. No. 2162.
Readjusted on the 19th day of June, 1936, by order-in council No. 715/36, transferring Sec. 26 and 35 in tp. 16- 7E to the Gull Lake S.D. No. 2269, was in effect from July l, 1936.
ln 1950 re: By-law No. 1207 of the R.M. of St. Clements the boundaries were confirmed as: Sec. 24, 25, 26, and 36, in tp. l6-6E,Sec.27,28,29,30,31,32,33, 34, it tp. 16-78., Sec. 4 except the NE1/4, 5, 6, 8, Wl /2 Inside the Stony Point School. of 9, in tp. l7-78 and Lot 3, Plan 45 in the Brokenhead Indian Reserve.
Most of all the teachers over the years from 1922 to 1966 are listed here for your information and interest. Finally, we are pleased to share a few of the photographs collected depicting Stony Point in full session.
Helen Isbister 1922 1925
C.C. Williamson 1926 1927
Kathleen Muriel Windet \92’7 1928
Linda Jones 1928
Kathleen Harriet Grier 1929-1933
Bodvar Joh S. Bodvarsson 1932
Ellen Gwendoline Pruden 1933- 1934
Ella Sharp 1935
Hazel Elizabeth Penrose 1935-1936
Evelyn Margaret Flett 1936-1938
Margaret Ann Young 1939
Mrs. Jean C. Howey 1939
Esther Pearl Smilh 1940-1941
Florence V. Ritchey l94l-1942
Mjss Evelyn Burnetr 1942 1943
Annie Eugene Cline 1943
Annie Eugene Thomas 1944
Elsie Irene Kitchen 1944 1945
Marie Antoinette Kipling 1945
Marie Antoinette Thomas 1946
Mr Ervin Rartai lS4?
Mervin Benjamin Polvi 1947
Annie Isabell Duffy 1948
Bernice Jennie Skrypetz 1948-1949
Agnes Dyck 1949’1950
Emma Massicofte 1950
Vera Ruth LeDrew l95l 1952
Beverly Aon Marquardt 1952 1953
Michael Lloyd Balitsky 1953-1954
SteveZastawny 1954-19J7
Peter Kubas 1957-1958
Anne Dueck 1958-1959
Raymond Michaei Faryna 1959-1960
OrvilleStrand 1960-1962
Archille A. Vermeulin 1962-1963
Mary Ramsey 1963-1964
Brian Orvis 1964-1966
Kenneth J- Germain 1966
1924 Class al Stony Point School. Frcnt: M!ftle Flett, Florence
That as, Matjory Ca et, Bill Krocket, Gordon Thomas. Second Row:
Hugh Carver, Jim Flett, John Folstet, Alfred Sinclair, Daniel Flett.
Thid Rov,: Norc Flett, Dorothf Thomas, Victor Paresion, RubJ
SihclaiL Wallace Flett, John Walker, Phyllis Viznaugh. Back Row:
lahn yiznaugh, Mabel anci Phlllis Thomas, Vera Sinclair and Alex
Inside the Ston| Poinl School
subtmitted by Flarence Paulson
Stony Point, a small hamlet along the east shore of Lake Winnipeg is about 30 miles north of Selkirk, noun’ known as Patricia Beach. My father, Henry George Thomas, being one of its first settlers, moved here permanently, with his family in the year 1922, leaving his homestead in Balsam Bay, as there was more pasture and hay land here for his cattle. Having a large family and knowing the problems experienced by not having an education. he was concerned about a school for his children and others. The first school class was held in a house owned by Robert Thomas, the teacher was Miss Helen lsbister, who was really a nurse, but proved to be a good teacher, especially for beginners.
Later. school was held in one end of a home owned and lived in by. lack and Alex Harcus, that is where I started school, I had only a slate and slate pencil. I think wc
cleaned our slates most-with our elbows.
Miss lsbister was very kind, and often when it was too cold in the room, she would gather us around the wood heater and she would tell us stories until we were \\ armed up enough to resume our studies.
Then in 1924 any father bought a house previously owned by the late Edrvard Knolt. Dad moved the house with horses to his land. where school was held.
The first qualified teacher was Clillord Williamson, who proved to be a very dedicated teacher, also taking time in evenings and weekends to help clean snow off the ice, on the marsh, to make a very large rink, were many hours of fun was had.
He also organized the first Hockey team (complete with sweaters, I remember the older girls sewing the names or, them.) They competed with Canterbury and Grand Nlarais teams.
ln the early _years the teachers were to be commended for teaching eight grades in a one room school.
ln those days there were no teachers aids, no work books, answer books, calculators, television, radio, etc., yet all the pupils learned to read, $rite, spell, and do arithmetic.
First thing in the morning we sang “O Canada”, while Eslhet Smith Teaches, 1940
the flag was being raised. Then we did vigorous physical exercises for about l5 minutes, then $’e sat quickly while the Bible was read to us, then we said the Fiords Prayer,
then our school studies.
School hours were from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., with a 15 minute recess, morning, and afternoon. Before we were dismissed, rve sang “God Save The King”. The teacher
kept order in the school; he demanded and received respect and was well liked by all.
One day in the year I925, at noon hour, we decided to play Hook-v, that is all but one boy, Daniel Fleet. We went back in the bushes behind the school and ate cranberries and Blackberries. Mr. Williamson rang the bell repeatedly, but we did not come. After awhile, however, we tired of being bad so came back to the school, only to be told rve would have no recess for a week, all but Daniel. So for a whole week, he would go
out every recess alone (who got punished the most, wonder).
We had good times, we built many brush playhouses, they were real neat, we even had partitions, doors, windows, even furniture, all made with willows and slicks-;
Stony Point School. Back Rot/, Le, to Right: Amold Folstet, Batbaru Paulso , Atmand Viznaugh, Richard Folster, Lenatd Ande6on. Third Roie: Slewa Folslet, Lorraine I ine, Shitle! Wass, Da ene yiznauqh, Chuck Sinclait. Second Row: Glotia In,ine, Btuce Hourie, Ber. Sinclair, Annette Sinclait, Petet Viznough. Fronl Row: Paft of Edwin wass, John Folster, Jacqueline Hourie, Mitchell lrvine, and E|elfn Folsler, Nov. 1960.
We had fun playing games too, such as, baseball, snowball, croquet, tag, flying Dutchman, blind mans bluff, and the small girls were always skipping.
We had spelling matches every week, I believe that’s the reason the majority of the class were good spellers, no one wanted to get spelled down, so we tried real hard to
When Mr. Williamson first came, he was single. However, while home for Christmas Holidays, he was married, so his wife Betty came back with him. (Clifford and Betty paid us a visit last summer, we had some of our family in, and enjoyed reminiscing. It was great seeing them again.)
In 1926 my father, Henry George Thomas, gave land
for a school and playground. My brother Norman
Thomas. took the contract to build the school. The first
teacher in the new school was Kathleen Winder.
Many teachers taught in this district. I will name the ones I remember in Alphabetical order: Alex Brown, Evelyn Burnett, Mike Balitski, Ann Cline, Mrs. Duffy, Ann Dueck, Agnes Dueck, Evelyn Flett, Ray Ferina, Kathleen Greer, Kenneth Germain, Mrs. Howey, Helen Isbister, Linda Jones, Marie Kipling, Elsie Kitchen, Clara Kitchen, Peter Kubas, Vera LeDrew, Beverly Marquet, Brian Orvis, Gwen Pruden, Mervin Polvi, Florence Ritchie, lrvine Ratti, Mary Ramsey, Miss Sharp, Mrs. Scott, Ina Smith, Esther Smith, Bernice Skryptz, Orville Strand, Archie Vermulin, Clifford Williamson, Kathleen
Winder, Dorothy Winter, and Steve Zastarvny.
Not too many students went to a Secondary school in the early years, as most parents could not afford it, as they would have to be boarded in Selkirk or else ‘here, and pay tuition fees as well, so the majority had Grade 8 only.
Today, the young people have many golden opportunities, and l’m sure consolidation has helped further the education, but there was something very
special about the “Little Country Schoolhouse”.