Narol Golden Age Club

Members of Donald Ladies Auxiliary talked about having some type of activity for Seniors of the community of Narol.

It was decided to take positive action after some discussion. Mr. Gerry Hamm was invited to speak to the group and show slides regarding activities and other benefits offered by New Horizons.

The initial meeting took place Feb. 9, 1977 with eleven people present. It was decided then to meet every Wednesday afternoon at 1:00 PM until 5 PM or so. They decided to collect 250 towards coffee. This is still do
Each week more people became interested and came to join. As of Dec. 31, l9S2therewere 63 members.

At the May 4, 1977 meeting it was decided to charge $1.00 for membership and the Club decided upon its present name, Narol Golden Age Club. The list of paid members at this May 1977 meeting were as follows: Jennie Bazan, Grace Michalson, Mary Nebozenko, Dora Kulik, Mary Muzychka, Cassie Pewarchuk, Stan Michalson, Mike Nebozenko, David Muzychka, Peter Pewarchuk, Mary Stodnyk, Bella Semenuik, Mike Stadnyk, Jean Crossan, Wm Kotowich, Olga Kotowich, Kay Knysh, Kay Pronyk, Eva Yakimovich, Ann Malazdrewicz, Frank Wachal, Ann Wachal, Tony Wachal, Mary Wachal, Olga Lakas, John Lakas, Anne Gusnoski, Mike Gregg, Mary Cregg, Stanley Malazdrewicz, Bernice Tomzak, Charles Tomczak, Mary Oleschuk, Sophie Barchyn, Jean Zebroski and Anne Rebeck.

Also the following people were elected to the Executive at this time, for a one year period:

President – Cassie Pewarchuk
Vice-President – Mary Muzychka
Secretary GraceMichalson
Treasurer – Mary Nebozenko
SocialConvener – Mary Stadnyk
Sick Visiting – Kay Pronyk

Besides enjoying the weekly get together, members busy themselves with fund-raising projects such as handicrafts, quilt making perogie and pereski making, sales and draws.

They enjoy the benefits of their labours along with the grants received for purchase of equipment such as pool tables, shuffle board, card tables, stoves, fridges, sewing machines, etc.

Some of the charities our Club contributes to are: Heart Fund, Cancer Fund, Birthday cards, flowers, and little gifts to members in Hospital and the bereaved.

Two of the big events members enjoy are field trips to outlying places, and their Christmas Banquet. Ages of members range from late 30’s (associates) to seniors of over 80.


Members were lucky to obtain the use of two rooms in the former Donald School on Henderson Hwy upon payment of our share of rent, utilities and insurance. We also enjoy the use of the basement and kitchen when needed.


Bazan, Jenny
Clare, Jim
Dubowits, Lily
Fedoruk, Minnie
Gregg, Joseph, Mary
Gulle, Joe, Marie
Gusnoski, Anne
Gusnoski, Rose
Johnstone, Rose
Kaminski, william
Knysh, Kay
Kotowich, wiLliam, Olga
Kowaluk, Tony, Anne
Kozak, Waller, Fran
Kruzelnicki, Philip
Kulik, Dora
Lakas, Olga
Malazdrewich, Mark, Elsie
Malazdrewicz, Stan, Anne
Michalishyn, John, Sally
NickoLson, Stan, Crace
Miller, Julia
Miller, Ludwig
Muzychka, Dave, Mary
Natuik, Walter, Hedwig
Nebozenko, Mike, mary
Nowicki, Stan, Sophie
Oleschuk, Lucille
Oleschuk, Mary
Omeniuk, Mike, Julia
Onhaiser, Rhili, Anne
Pawluk, Lena
Pawluk, Sylvia
Petaski, Joseph, Fran
Pewarchuk, Cassie
Pronyk, Malr, Kay
Rebeck, Ann
Rebeck, Nick
Ritchie, Tom, Hedwig
Semeniuk, Bella
Siadnyk, Mary
Tomczak, Charlie
wachal, Frank, Anne
Wachal, Frank, Kay
Wachal, Mary
Wood, Henry, Jacqueline
Yaremchuk, John
Zibroski, Rudy, Jean

By: K. Pronyk, Secretary

Posted in Community Organizations, Social Organizations.