Happy Thought

When the school district was formed April 7, 1908, by By-law No. 12 of the Council of the R.M. of St. Clements. it consisted of Lots 1 to 58 inclusive. Lots 61 to 79 inclusive, Lots 88 and 89, the town white of East Selkirk, River Lots 236 to 246 inclusive, Parish of St. Peters, all portions of the Parish of St. Clements, bounded on the South by the Kitchener S.D., on the West by the Red River, on the North by the Northerly Boundary of the Parish of St. Clements, on the East by the Easterly Boundary of the fractional sections in the N 1/2 of Fraction tp. 13-5E, excepting there out the E 1/2 of Sec. 24 and 25 in tp. 13-5E. This was readjusted on June 6, 1922 by by-law No. 219 of the R.M. of St. Clements, by adding SW 1/4 of 1, S 1/2 of 2, Lots 225 to 235 inclusive in tp. 14-5E. A Luther readjustments on May 5, 1925 by Bylaw No. 277, by adding Lots 221 to 246 (portion lying between Cooks Creek and the Red River) Parish of St. Peters.

Another readjustment on May 3, 1927 by By-law No. 340 added the inner and outer 2 miles of Lots 81 to 85 inclusive, in the Parish of St. Clements. Said land being detached from the Kitchener S.D. No. 1076.

A petition by A.R. Chorley, et al, 1o transfer certain lands from Patpun S.D. to Happy Thought S.D. was denied by award of Arbitrators in Oct. 1957.

The consolidated School District of Happy Thought came into effect on Jan. 1, 1960. This was formed by Bylaw No. 1474, on Sept. 8, 1959, when the school districts of Happy Thought No. 1452, Hoey No. 2173, Patapun No. 1636, consolidated the following lands: River Lots and the outer two miles of 71-85 inclusive, in the Parish of St. Clements, River Lots 224-246 inclusive, in the Parish of St. Peters, River Lots 224A-246A inclusive, in the Parish of St. Peters, Sec. 26, 35 W 1/2 of 25,W 1/2 of 36, in tp. l3-5E, SW 1/4 of Sec. 1, in tp. 14-5E, S 1/2 of Sec. 2 in 14-58, all formerly in the Happy Thought S.D. No. 1452. And N 1/2 and SE 1/4 of Sec. 1, N 1/2 of Sec. 2, Sec. 11, 12, 13, 14, 23, and 24 in tp. 14-5E, also River Lots 160-223 inclusive in the Parish of St. Peters. Lots 220F-223A inclusive in the Parish of St. Peters all formerly in Patapun S.D. No. 1636. River Lots 117-159 inclusive in the Parish of St. Peters, Sec. 25, fraction of
Sec, 26, 36, in tp. 14-5E, Sec. 1, 2, 9-12, 14-16, 20-23, in tp. l5-5E and the SW 1/4 of Sec. 6 in tp. 15-6E, alt formerly in Hoey S.D. No. 2173.

Altered by an award of Arbitrators, Aug. 26, 1965, which dissolved Lilydale S.D. No. 1285 and transferred lands to Happy Thought Consolidated S.D. No. 1452, effective Jan. 1, 1966. The lands transferred were: NW 1/4 and N 1/2 of NE 1/4 of Sec. 2, Sec. 3-10, the W 1/2 of Sec. 15, Sec. 16-18, in tp. l4-6E, and Sec. 34, in tp. 13-6E.

Also altered by Bylaw No. 1686 which dissolved Ash field S.D. No. 428, effective Jan. 1, 1966 and transferred to Happy Thought Consolidated S.D. No. 1452, the following lands: the outer two miles of 132-163 in the Parish of St. Andrews, the outer two miles of 1054-1164 and the outer two miles of l17-120 in the Parish of St. Clements, also Sec. 3, L. S. S. 1 of Sec. 4, Sec. 5, fractional 6, fractional SE 1/4 of Sec. 7, 8, 9, SE 1/4 of 10, and Sec. l7 (fractional) in Tp. l3-5E.

Altered by Bylaw No. 1687 to dissolve Brookside S.D. No. 1546 effective Jan. 1, 1966 and transfer the lands to Happy Thought S.D. The following lands were transferred: Sec. l9-21, W 1/2 of Sec.22, 27, Sec.28-33, the W 1/2 and SE 1/4 of Sec. 34 in tp. 14-6E.

Altered by Bylaw No. 1688 to dissolve Gonor S.D. No. 1070 effective Jan. l, 1966 and transfer to Happy Thought S.D. the following lands: River Lots 132-214, in the Parish of St. Andrews, the outer two miles of 164- 214, in the Parish of St. Andrews.

Altered by Bylaw No. 1689 to dissolve Highland S.D. No. 1628 effective Jan. 1, 1966 and transfer to Happy Thought Consolidated S.D. No. 1452, the following lands: Sec. 1, 2, 11,12, 13, SE 1/4 of 14, in tp. 13-5E, and Sec. 6, 7, 18, in tp. 13-6E, also including that portion of the outer two miles of 89-95 inclusive in the Parish of St. Clements, East of the line at right angles to the North Limit of Lot 89 from that point in the same distant 3040 feet from Eastern Limit of Road East of, and adjacent to, Plan 12. Also including the outer two miles of 88 in the Parish of St. Clements.

Altered by Bylaw No. 1690 to dissolve Kitchener, S.D. No. 1076, effective as of Jan. l, 1966 and transfer to Happy Thought Consolidated S.D. No. 1452 the following lands: River Lots 86-120, Parish of St. Clements, the outer two miles of 86-116, Parish of St. Happy Thought Stone School.
Clements, except there out that part of the outer two miles of 89-95, inclusive lying east of the line at right angles to The North Limit River Lot 89, from the point in the same 3040 feet, east of the east limit of said allowance, and east of and adjacent to CPR, Plan 12 and also, except, the outer two miles of 88 east of the road, east of and adjacent to the CPR, Plan 12.

Altered by Bylaw No. 1691 to dissolve the Mayfield S.D. No. 1473, effective as of Jan. l, 1966 and transfer to Happy Thought Consolidated S.D. No. 1452 the following lands: E  1/ 2 of Sec. 24, 25, 36, in tp. 13-5E, the N 1/2ofSec.8, 16,Sec. 17, 19, 20, 21, 28 to 33 intp. 13- 6E. All parcels of lands which now made up the Happy Thought Consolidated S.D. No. 1452 were dissolved April 1, 1967, when Happy Thought Consolidated S.D. No. 1452 was dissolved and became part of the Lord Selkirk School Division No. 11.

After a few years of discontent in the area, the old East Selkirk S.D. No. 99 having ceased to be, the new S.D. No. 1452 known as Happy Thought S.D. came to be on April 7, 1908. The school was named by Alexander Butler Rowley who lived on Lot 88 in the Parish of St. Clements and-who was auditor for St. Clements and fifth generation lawyer. Mr. Rowley was also instrumental in solving many arbitration hearings and disputes because of his orderly, legal mind. He had stressed that education should be one of the happiest thoughts, as was a new building to educate our children in. The dispute in the village had been long and bitter and should end on a happy thought. And thus the school was named.

We have on record one of the early slates of trustees for this School District. On March 3, 1911 they were: John Baldwin, Chairman, Rod Vincent, Sec. Treas., E.P. Hicks and George Vincent as trustees. It is interesting to note that in 1910 the school operated on a budget of $1,000.00. $750.00 for teachers salary, 9100.00 for school building, $50.00 for furnishings and repairs, $40.00 for fuel, and $60.00 for sundry expenses. This $1,000.00 was obtained through: $130.00 Legislative grant of .65 cents/teaching day, $240.00 general school tax, $1.20lteaching day, and $630.00 special district tax. This report was sent to the St. Clements Council by the Sec. Treas. David Lyons on June 13, 1910. Reports such as this were submitted by all non-union school districts every year. The report issued 20 years later shows great changes, as by this time a new school had been built, more teachers were hired, note that the general school tax has changed greatly but the Legislative grant really has not. Expenditures: $6500.00 for salaries of teachers and officers, $1600.00 for Debentures (principle) $50.00 school site, $80.00 for school buildings, $700.00 for furnishings and repairs, $850.00 for fuel, and $700.00 for Sunday expenses. Revenue: $900.00 legislative grant. 75 cents/teaching day, $4320.00 for general School tax $3.60/teaching day, $600.00 other grants (not specified), and $4580.00 for special district tax. This report was issued June 7, 1930 by F. Kordalchuk, Sec. Treas.

On Sat. April 29, 1916, the ratepayers were asked to vote on a bylaw to authorize the trustees of the Happy Thought S.D. No. 1452 to borrow $12,000.00 by the issue and sale of debentures, payable in 20 equal payments of 690 per year for the purpose of erecting, completing and furnishing a four room schoolhouse. The vote was defeated votes being 12 for, and 40 against (with I spoiled ballot).

Because this vote was defeated, July 4, 1916, Edgar C. Golding, Sec. Treas. of Happy Thought S.D. saw it fitting to write a “Letter to the editor” to clarify the actions of the trustees of the Happy Thought S.D. No. 1452, in part he states: “There appears to be some confusion as to actions of trustees respecting the building of a new school, also the taking of census of children of the district, the trustee thinks it desirable to state the
following facts in relation:

1. By Public School Act, Sec. 4, Sub. Sec. C: Sec. Treas. is to take census during period of July l-31 each year of School District ages 5-18 years inclusive, and forward to
the Dept. not later than Aug. 10, of each year.

2. Sub. Sec. F. of Sec. 57 reads: “provide adequate accommodation and legally qualified teachers according to regulations prescribed by law for all actual resident
children in the S.D. between 5- l8 years. Board of trustees may not engage 2 teachers until pupils total 45 or 3 teachers until total reaches and exceeds 80.

N.B. Present 2 story building being used as school is some 35 years old. It has been frequently repaired, refloated and resigned, but no modern improvements complying with the ruling of the Dept. of Educ. Lt contains a dangerous stairway, has been condemned by the Dept. for over a year as “unfit for school purposes”. Trustee agreed to move toward providing a new building so permission was granted to use present structure as a school only on that basis. Movement was then made to provide a new schoolhouse containing 4 classrooms as census showed at the beginning of the school year there would be 204 in attendance (and liable to increase), between the ages of 5-18.

3. Under the Act, the trustees were compelled to provide accommodations for 204 children and to do so would require a 4 room school, if the Dept. of Educ. would
consent to allow 50 pupils per class.

Another date, Monday, Aug. 21, 1916 was set to vote on the school building issue. It
vole was once more defeated, understood if this trustees might be compelled to build the school anyway and the total cost would have to be covered in one year’s taxes. The bylaw submitted to the ratepayers this time was for $7000.00 by issue and sale of debentures payable in 20 equal payments at 6% interest per year. Voting took place and was this time carried by a large majority.

Tenders were called for the erection and completion of a 4 room, stone schoolhouse, tenders to be submitted up to Monday, Oct.2, 1916. Design of the school could be seen at the office of E.D. Tuttle, Architect and Engineer, 706 McArthur Building, Winnipeg. The successful contractors for the job was the Progress Construction Company, the architect being Harry W. Green, of Winnipeg. The contract price was $ 10,300. Work started on Thursday Oct. 12, 1916 and completion was to be on Feb. 1. 1917. The building would be constructed of stone taken from the old “Round House” at East Selkirk and would be 2 stories high, complete with basement. It would have 4 classrooms upstairs and the basement would be divided off into boys and girls playrooms. Nov. 4, 1916, the cornerstone of the school was laid by the Hon. Dr. Thornton, Minister of Education. The new school was formally opened on Monday, Feb. 5, 1917. The children marched in a body from the old school, which had done service for upwards of 35 years, to the new building where a large number of parents and visitors were assembled. Mr. E.C. Golding, Sec. Treas. of the school board presided. D.A. Ross, M.P.P., gave an appropriate address and presented the pupils with the prizes won at the school fair held in Selkirk the fall of 1916. Ira Stratton, Official Trustee, inspector Willows, and George Frank, Reeve of St. Clements, were among the other speakers. Refreshments were served, and a short program given by the children.

We have been led to believe the stone school may have been at one time the site of an Indian burial ground. According to Mrs. A. Uhryn, one of the pioneers of the district, and a one time custodian of the school, four graves were unearthed when the ground was broke for the basement. (This is not substantiated by any documented proof.)

Awards and prizes given out at the official opening were for the School Fair held in Selkirk on Oct. 6 and 7,1916. Prizes were for: Half dozen biscuits-Margaret Mclean 2nd, Gingham apron-Margaret Mclean 2nd, Preserved native fruit-Winnie Lane 2nd, Set of Maps- George Typleski 2nd, and Jno. Karanko 3rd, Collection of Drawings-George Typleski 1st, Gerald McNeill 2nd, Collection of Drawings Grade 8-M. Mclean 1st, and M Lane 2nd, Essay-Minnie Lane 1st, and Margaret McLean 2nd.

This thriving community continued to grow and by 1927 the ratepayers were back to the polls again, this time Sat. Oct. 1, 1927 to pass a bylaw authorizing the school trustee’s to borrow $6,000.00 and the issuing of debentures for the purpose of erecting a two room schoolhouse and installing a new heating plant in the old school.

In a letter to Council March 12, 1951, the Sec. Treas. S. Rokosh, acting on the direction of the trustees, requested that Church Road be closed to facilitate the enlarging of the school grounds. At Council on March 13, 1951, moved by J. Kaminski and seconded by F.G. Andrews that P. Mullins, Land Surveyor, draw up necessary plans to close Church Road, from St. Peters Road, (Henderson Hwy) on the west side to the east boundary of the school property for the purpose of enlarging the school grounds. Happy Thought S.D. to pay all legal and advertising costs. On May 8, 1951, moved by P. Burbella and seconded by Wm. Kotowich that this portion of the Church Road not be closed off until an alternate road through to Lot 42 is constructed.

Tuesday, Sept. 8, 1959, council gave first reading and heard from interested parties of the possibilities of consolidating the School Districts of Happy Thoughts No. 1452, Hoey No. 2l’73, and Papapun No. 1636. Before said meeting council requested that each of these districts inform them if they had any debts. We understand Hoey and Patapun S.D. were debt free, but Happy Thought informed council they had a debenture debt of $7,000.00, first payment due Dec. l, 1959 of $ 1,251.67 and annual payments of $1,105.05.

This bylaw No. 1474 was given 1st and 2nd readings Sept. 8, 1959 and 3rd and final reading on Oct. 13, 1959. Before the third reading, approval had to be received from the Minister of Education, Stewart E. Mclean, this was received Oct. 6, 1959. This bylaw came into effect Jan. 1, 1960 forming the Consolidated School District of Happy Thought No. 1452. Signed by Max Dubas as Reeve, and Wm. Sokolowski, Sec. Treas. At the 3rd and final reading it was passed by John Kuzminski and seconded by S. Myslawchuk that bylaw No. 1474 pass, it was carried by all.

Tenders were received for the purchase of the schools of Hoey and Patapun and also of the outbuildings. The Hoey East School $1575.00, 2 Hoey East outbuildings at $12.00 each, Hoey West School $330.00. Patapun School and land $1515.00, Hoey Coal shed $15.00, Desks .25 cents each. The first trustees of the new consolidated district were Sam Uskiw, Peter Cole, Harry Waytiuk, Clive Rennie and Hugh Jonasson.

Soon after this, petitions from other school districts came in requesting to be included in the consolidation. On July 7, 1965 a request from Walter Wasney, Sec. Treas. of Highland S.D. No. 1628. This resolution had been moved by Tom Marshall and 2nd by Mr. H. Rozmus and carried by all27 electors in attendance.

On July 13, 1965, a petition signed by 20 electors requesting Brookside S.D. No. 1546 be dissolved and join the Happy Thought Consolidated S.D. No. 1452.

On July 5, 1965, a petition signed by 32 electors that Gonor S.D. No. l0T0 requested to be consolidated.

On June 15, 1965, at a meeting of the Kitchener S.D. No. 1076 of the 43 persons who voted, 36 requested joining consolidation. This request was received by Council on July 5, 1965. On June 25, a request from Mayfield S.D. No. 1473 was received, at their meeting of June 16, 1965, vote was taken by secret ballot and was passed by a vote of 25 for and 2 against consolidation. This request was signed by Wilfred Martin, Chairman and J.S. Shumilak, Sec. Treas.

A request from Ash field S.D. No. 428 was received on June 24, 1965 that they requested to join consolidation.

At their meeting of June 11, 1965 the vote was 34 in favor and 3 against. This was received from Wm. T. Gowryluk, Sec. Treas.

A meeting was held Tuesday Aug. 10, 1965, at the Municipal Hall in East Selkirk, to consider the applications of the six mentioned school districts request to join the Happy Thought Consolidated S.D. No. 1452. Approval was given and a further approval was received from L.R. Labossiere, Director of Administration for the Dept. of Education, dated Sept. 10, 1965 and received on Sept. 14, 1965. These transfers were effective, as of Jan. 1, 1966.

June 11, 1965, John Chorney, Sec. Treas. of Lilydale S.D. No. 1285 wrote to the council of St. Clements requesting that they appoint an arbitrator to deal with the matter of Lilydale joining Happy Thought Consolidated S.D. Arbitrators held their first meeting to deal with this request Aug. 26, 1965. This request was approved and this School District was dissolved as of Jan. 1. 1966 and became part of the Happy Thought School District.

At this time planning was going on to build one central school at East Selkirk and eventually dispose of the existing school buildings and transport all children by bus to East Selkirk.

Feb. 23, 1966 electors were asked to vote in favor of Bylaw No. 1-1966 to authorize the Happy Thought Consolidated S.D. No. 1452 to borrow the sum of $370,000.00 by issue of sale of debenture for the purpose of constructing a 24 classroom school in East Selkirk. Architects fees $25,000.00, Building $315,700.00, Furnishings and equipment $19,000.00, cost of printing and debentures $300.00, Miscellaneous $10,000. for a total cost of $370,000.00.

In Jan. 1967, our present school was officially opened. This also brought about the beginning of bussing children to school, the first drivers were: Bert Shumilak, Bob Andrews, Mike Youzwa, Bill Paskaruk, Walter Gerylo, Mike Yurkiw, Clifford Waytiuk, Nick Kopanski, and Peter Homenuik.

Throughout the history of Happy Thought, the school has always played an important part in community affairs. In 1917-18 many social gatherings were held in aid of the Red Cross, the War Effort and Selkirk General Hospital. On June 20, 1919 the ladies of East Selkirk “St. Clements Field Comforts Society” held a banquet and dance on behalf of Returned Soldiers of St. Clements and surrounding districts.

Classrooms have always been available for meetings of Cubs, Scouts, Brownies, Guides, concerned parents, and other groups. also after .school instructions in sewing.
ceramics, gymnastics, ballet and many more too numerous to mention. The Local Recreational groups used the school for their activities and for carnivals and dances etc.

In 1981, the Playground Committee was formed, made up of parents, teachers, and school administrators, this was to set up the school ground as a playground for community activities. Playground equipment was let up. picnic tables provided and a cross-country fitness trail has been designed to fit in with physical education programs. This program has received wide community support from the School Division, municipality, Kinsmen of Selkirk, East Selkirk Fire Dept., Royal Canadian Legion and the Ukrainian Reading Society. The Committee’s major fund raiser for 1982 was the Bob Jefferson Roast. Bob was the vice-principal of Happy Thought for several years and had received the principal ship of the Walter White school further north. This was a tribute and roast such as the Village of East Selkirk had never before witnessed.

Angus E. McKenzie 1908-1909
Clifford A. Wilson 1909-1912
Lewis M. McGuire 1912-1913
Reggie Royston l9l4
J.A. Waling l914
Robert Johnson 1914-1916
Lewis Inglott 1914-191 5
Jean P. Paterson 1916
Ida Norman 1916-19l’7
E.L. Kerr 1917
A.L. Swanton 1917
Agnes Judge 1917
Emma Thompson 1917- 1919
Evelyn R. Hicks l9l8
Eleanor J.C. Pophan 1918
Mary D. Stafford 1918
Lucy Mary Baldwin 1918-1920
Elizabeth Traynor 1919
Miss Hanesson Slahkuk 1919
Mary D. Stafford 1919
T.D. McMeekin 1919-1920
Isabel Calder 1919 -1920
Alex Cowan 1920
Jean A. Coper 1920-1921
Mary Maude Rowley 1920-1923
Frances Jones l92l-1923
Mrs. W.L Wallace 1921
Hazel S. Campbell 1922
K. Marshall 1922
Sadie M. Vance 1922
Florence E. Sutherland 1923-1924
Vera Elsie Massey 1923
Elsie Gertrude Jones 1923-1925
Peter G. Kuhn 1923-1924
Maurice Franklin Ptingle 1923 -1924
Rose Shline 1924-1926
Joyce E. Freer 1924-1926
Isodore Goresky 1924-1925
Teenie Kozier 1925-1926
Ada Booke 1925-1921
Frederick Andrew Justus 1925-1929
Phyllis Marion Frank 1926-1931
J. Hallie Rowley 1926-1930
Mary Runge 1926-192’7
Valentina Couture 1921 -1928
Gladys Margaret Frank 1927 -1928
Alice Jean Stranger 1928-1930
Frank Alexander Wachal 1928-1929
Cora O. Parkhill 1928-1929
May Kenny 1929-1941
Mr. Frank Halinsky ptincipol
of the Happy Thought School
from 1931 to 1933, with his

Miss Mar| Kondrutuk,
1930/31 t.
Teachers 1931/32.
Eileen Beatrice Creighton 1929-1930
Mary Annette Elizabeth Romanick 1929-1930
Flora Loretta Campbell 1930-1934
Audrey Joan Crove 1930-1932
Mary Edeline Kondratuk 1930-1937
Frank Halinski 1930-1932
Jennie Mary Ogryzlo 1931-1941
Kay Laura Anne Baydak 1932-1937
Michael Ewanchuk 1933-1934
Nellie Medal 1934-1936
Maxim George Wawrykow 1935- 1937
Emily Macrovicz 1936-1940
Anda Toporeck 1931 -1940
Alexander Mack 1937-1940
Walter Alexander Kostiuk 1937- 1942
Peter Maydan 1940-1941
Jean Treleaven Tweed 1941-1942
Lucy Janey McDonald 1941
Pauline Marie Copot 1941-1944
Ann Olga Budinsky 1941-1944
Mary Karpetz 1941-1942
Peter John Humeniuk 1941-1942
Isabel Marcellinc Howelko 1942-1943
Isabel Florence Laird 1942-1943
Nellie Sozansky 1942-1945
William Val Yacula 1943-1945
Annie Chimchak 1943-1945
Betty Barnson 1943-1944
Betty L. Hart 1944
Jean Lyzun 1944-1941
Sonia Lisowecki 1944-1945
Madeliene Karandiuk 1945
Joy Mary Lydia Kilfoyle 1945-1946
Ann Sametz 1945-1946
Lena Margaret Copeland 1945- 1951
Eva Bonkowski 1945-1941
Henry Rosner 1945-1941
Florence M.A. Gendreau 1947
Maureen Westgate 1947
Christine Fraser 1947
Lucy Anne Bellay 1947 -1949
Margaret Elizabeth Stevens 1947
Miss Adelmar Friesen 1947- 1948
Lena Nechwediuk 1941-1948
Jonas Refukelsson 1947-1948
Helen Menzie 1948
Mary Barchuk 1948-1952
Casimir Hollinger 1948-1952
Henry Rosner 1948-1950
Gilberta Marie Allard 1949-1951
John Angus Macdonald 1950-1952
Elsie Korotash 1951-1953
Melvin Stewart Bell 1951- 1952
Jean Sokolowski 1952-1954
Dan Stasiuk 1952-1956
Mary Byskal 1952-1953
Elsie Stasuik 1953-1963
Frances L. Wozlowski 1953- 1957
Nicholas Bilash 1953-1954
Jeanne Valerie Korotash 1954-1957
Mrs. Mary Clementine Milne 1954-1968
David Semenko 1955- 1963
Alastair McKenzie-Elliot 1957
P.A. Kozoris 1957 -1959
Francis L. Wesley 1957- 1968
J . Zegtl 1951-1959
Joan Sigurdson 1958- 1959
Patricia A. King 1960
Alda Johnson 1960
Sophie Klim 1960-1983
Jean Sokolowski 1960-1961
Patricia Goodman 1960
Rolande Belanger 1961-1964
Julian Polowy 1963-1968
Jean Sokolowski 1964-1970
Mary Budz 1966-1968
Pat Bazat 1966-1968
Sharon Bruce 1966-1968
Helen Sum 1966-1967
Anne Dueck 1966-1967
Mitchell Wagner 1966-1961
Paulette Rozak 1966-1977
Mary Theresa Darewych 1966-1973
Abe Weibe 1966-1983
Miss L. Kosowan 1967-1968
Miss Sharon Kolodie 1967-1968
Miss Forie J. Kolodie 1967-1968
Mrs. Myrtle Anne Feniuk 1967-1968
Miss H. Johnson 1968-1969
Jean OEttzlo and
MarJ Kondratuk,
Max Wavrykor, Principal at Happy Thought School,
1935 /37.
Jean Ogryzlo, Jeon
Tweed, Mt. Peter
Malden, Mr. Al Mech, and Mot
Kenndal leachers,
Principal – Walter Kostiuk, 1941.
Mary Kalinski,
Anda Toporeck, Teacher of Happy Thought School, 1937/40.
Mr. Barry Anthony Van Dongan 1968-1912
Miss Barbara Ann Stringer 1968-1970
Miss Sandra Jean Mclntosh 1968-1969
Miss Patricia Anne Moreau 1968-1969
Miss Margaret Rose Brewster 1968-1969
Miss Lesley Ann Knight 1968-1970
Mr. Wayne Philip Boch 1968-1983
Mrs. Marianne Helen Preun 1968-1970
Mr. Joe Lesko 1868-1983
Mrs. Carol Elizabeth Klagenberg 1969-1974
Miss Margaret Sandra Skardal 1968-1914
Miss Marlene Patricia Cole 1969-1970
Miss Marlene Dianne Rode 1969-1971 (see Roy)
Miss Sharon Margory Shandruk 1969-1971
Miss Judith Elizabeth Johanson 1970-1972
Mrs. Donna Lynne Swire 1970-1975
Miss Agnes Susanne Leadbeater l970-1971
Miss Catherine Mary Stevenson 1970-1971
Mrs. Lena Catherine Basiuk 1968-1982
Mrs. Barbara Ann Hodgson 1970-1915
Edward Strick 1971 -1983
Mrs. Marlene D. Roy 1971-1976
Miss Christine Mary Stevenson 1971-1973
Mrs. Sharon M. Johnson 1971-1973
Miss Paulette Johnson 1911-1972
Miss Barbara Chappell1972-1974
Mrs. Cheryl Ann Cundall 1972-1977
Mrs. Lena Hoffman l972-1983
Mr. Andrew Nicholas Zloty l9’12-1983
Marilyn K. Woloshyn l9’72-1982
Mr. Edgar Imor Stolat 1973-1975
Mr. Oakley Southern 1973-19’75
Mr. Donald Andrew Hutniak 1973-19’79
Miss Joanne Unnur Sneddon 19’73-19’79
Robert Jefferson 1973 -1982
Wallet Alexander Kostiuk, Principal of Happy Thought School, 1937/42.
Peler Homenick, teacher from I941 to 1942. & Batdok
Mrs. Diana Elizabeth Heneghan 1913-1975
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Wherrett 1973-1975
Mrs. Joyce Irene Willlams l9’73-19’74
Mr. George Arnold Pelerc 1973-19’74
Mr. Herb Streich 1974-1983
Mrs. Shirley Joyce Zacharkiw l9’7 4-1983
Mr. Michael Anthony Zawaly 197 4-1983
Mr. John Patrick Grochowich 1974-1983
Mrs. Sharon Elaine Emslie 1974-1983
Miss Jo-Ann Denise Thiessen l9’7 4-1978
Miss Joyce Helen McDougall 1975-1977
Miss Sandra Elizabeth Johnson l9’15-19’7’7
Mrs. Colleen Evelyn Yakielashek 1975-19’7’7
Mr. Edward Motkul:uk l9’7 5-197’7
Mrs. Jennifer Margaret Krestanowich 1975-1996
Miss Elizabeth J. Neskar 1975-1983
Mr. Roy Bingham 1975-1983
Miss Donna T.C. Winzinowich l9’76-19’79
Mr. Myron Taras Tarasiuk 1976-1983
Mr. Ron Wilkinson l9’7 6-1983
Mrs. Jennifer Margaret Krestanowich I917 -1918
Mrs. Joan Mary P. Dunlop 1977-1978
Miss Norma Jean Currie 1977-1978
Mr. Roy Benson l977 -19’78
Mary Ann Peterson l977 -1983
Mrs. Shirley Valencia Johnson 1977-1983
Mr. Henry Kolada 1977 -1983
Mn. Sonia Sylvia Podruchny l9l7 -1983
Miss Colleen Evelyn Federowich 1917 -1980
Mrs. Mary Ann Nova 1978-1980
Mrs. Sandra Johnson 1978- 1980
Mrs. Jo-Ann Lee 1978-1983
Mr. Herbert Arthur Streich 1978-1983
Mr. Gary Dion 1978-1983
Mrs. Donna T.C. Ezmerlian 1979-1983
Mr. Robert Hummelt 1979-1983
Miss Mary Lucy Grabowski 1979-1983
Mrs. Gloria Jean Wur 1980
Mr. Jarnes Wilfred McCorkell 1980
Irene Patricia Kordalchuk 1980
As of 1983 the principal is Russ Gourluck and the vice-principal,
Joe Lesko.
As of 1983 the following teachers are teaching at
Happy Thought School in East Selkirk.
McCorkell, Jim – Gr. 8
Neskar, Elizabeth – cr. 4
Nixdorf, Sharon – Kind.
Osland, Diane – Gr. I
Peterson, Maryann – Kind.
Podruchny, Sonia – Gr. I
Rozak, Paulette – Gr. 5
Solta, Wayne – Phys. Ed.
Streich, Herb – Gr. 6
Suderman, Barbara – Gr. 3
Wiebe, Abe Gr. 6
Wilkinson, Ron – Gr. 7
Wur, Gloria – Gr. I
Zacharkiw, Shirley – Gr. 7
Zawaly, Michael – Gr. 3
Zloty, Andrew – Gr. 9
Chernetsky, Mary – Teach. Aide
Grabish, Linda – Resource
Stasiuk, Ollie – Resource
Straight, Katie – Teach. Aide
Schilling, Elizabeth – Librarian
Malis, Sylvia – Secretary
Starodub, Helen – Clerk Typist
Hawrysh, Ed – Custodian
Hill, Bill – Assr. Custodian
Stapor, Helen – Cleaner
Youzwa, Laurie – Cleaner
Anne, Ja!, teachers oJ
Hopp! Thought School
Bachman. Ted – Band
Bingham, Roy – Gr. 8
Boch, Wayne – Gr. 7
Dion, Gary – Phys. Ed.
Emslie, Sharon – Resource
Ezmerlian, Donna – Gr, 2
Grochowich, Pat – Gr. 5
Hoffman, Lena – Gr. 4
Hunter, Yvonne – Cr, 8
Johnson, Shirley – Music
Johnson, Sandra – Res.
KIim, Sophie – Gr. 5
Kolada, Henry – Gr. 6
Kordalchuk, Irene – Gr. 2
Lee, Jo Ann – Gr. 2
Marsh, Sharon – Cr. 2 and 3
Val Yoculo fotmer Happy Thoughl School Ptincipal. John Smilet
Jonet Poslmastet, I 946.
Miss J. Kototosh, 1955-56.
EImet and Jean Keryluk, Ptincipal.

submitted by Doreen Murray

The students of Happy Thought School in East Selkirk are, as a rule, bussed to school early in the morning, remain over lunchtime, and return home by bus late in the afternoon to all corners of the district. The Playground as a consequence, becomes very important as on outlet for physical activity and the release of pent up energies.

In l98l the school’s population topped 725 students, and the playground facility among the other resources of the school, was sorely strained. To assist in the provision of adequate outlets for outdoor physical activities on the school property, the Happy Thought School Playground Committee was formed; it was made up of parents,
teachers, and the school administrator(s).

While considering the potential of the large school property (29 acres), the Committee was also studying the nature and concept of the “school playground”; two conclusions were reached:

l. that the school property should be developed as a community resource – attractive and available to the community at non-school times. The School already was functioning as a centre for community activities and programs, and its playground was the only one in the village of East Selkirk.

2. that the development plan should, ideally, accommodate a part of the physical education program of the school in the outdoor setting.

Phase I of the Development was initiated in the ensuing Miss KaJ Lauru Anne Batdak, 1933. months. lt entailed the provision of playground apparatus suitable for Grades 4 through 6, and a picnic area for Kindergarten through Grade 3. Phase l, scheduled to be
completed in Spring, 1983, will be followed by Phase II which is the development of a cross country, fitness trail to tie into the physical education program.

The project is receiving wide community support. The School Division donated the land for development and the heavy machinery to level the back twelve acres of the
property; the municipality designated a part of its facilities grant from the Province of Manitoba, and additional monies; and the various service clubs in the area made donations:

The Kinsmen of Selkirk, the East Selkirk Fire Department, the Royal Canadian Legion, and the Ukranian Reading Society all contributed; as did the volunteers who gave their time and efforts to install the equipment and the trees; and the members of the community who turned out for the Bob Jefferson Roast (the Committee’s major fund raiser in 1982).

At this writing, much remains to be done and
Community will again be called on for its support;
then, in the final analysis the achievement will be
Community’s, and to it will accrue the benefits.



Ron Wilkinson – Teacher and parent
Yvonne Hunter – Teacher
Carol Ezzard – Parent
Joe Lesko – Principal, 1981/82
Bob Jefferson – Vice-Principal, 1981/ 82
Laura / Chuck Macke lson – Parents
Doreen Murray – Parent
Devina Hempsall Parent
Sherri Terhoch – Parcnt
Heather Unik Parent
Russ Gourluck – Principal, 1982i 83
The student council of Happy Thought School
Maryann Peterson – Teacher

Submitted by Pat Goodman and researched by slh.

Posted in Schools.