Canadian Order of Foresters


Order of Foresters Documents

Order of Foresters Member Photos
Margaret Waytuik and Gladys Chorney hosted two 4- H girls from Fergus Falls, Minnesota. Anton and Adeline Chorney were hosts to Mrs. Bresley, 4-H leader from Nebraska, and Mr. and Mrs. Yurkiw and family hosted a 4-H boy from Nebraska.

In 1962. Russel Kossack attended a short course in Brandon and Gladys Chorney went on an exchange trip to Nebraska, sponsored by the 4-H Council. Club members painted Litter Barrels and set them up at places of business in East Selkirk. Ken Harrison was chairman of this project.

Club members held a field day at our variety test plot, for the farmers in the area. Jim Campbell from the Dept. of Agriculture was the speaker. Later, everybody was invited to a wiener and corn roast in Chauncey’s backyard. Talent night was an annual event and was enjoyed by everyone, also the 4-H Jamboree where all 4-H families got together for a night of square dancing. Visiting families at Christmastime singing Christmas Carols was always a happy time.

Order of Foresters 1956 and 1959
Leonard Yurkiw went lo camp as a Junior Councillor and in 1959 Gladys Chorney attended Gimli Camp as a Junior Leader. In 1964 Gladys Chorney was chosen to attend the 4-H Conference in Ottawa and Toronto.

The 4-H Pledge is “l Pledge;
My Head to clearer thinking,
My Heart to greater loyalty,
My Hands to larger service,
My Health to better living for

My Club, my Community and my Country.” Each meeting was opened with the 4-H Pledge. We have many fond memories of 4 H. We had a very good relationship with neighbors and the community and had excellent support.

The East Selkirk 4-H Potato Club was in existence for about l6 years and during this time the surrounding community encouraged, supported, contributed and volunteered their time, resources and energy to the youth as well as the concept of 4-H.

Posted in Community Organizations, Social Organizations.